disc.font,10 «» «»«ac» «c1»WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SCENE?«» «» «»«al» «c3»BY GONE/VOID«» «»«as» «c5»Okay, before this article starts, well actually it started allready, but anyway before the text full of bull starts I want to note that this story is based on «c2»fiction «c5»so it could be true that way..???«» «» Eeerr the names I used are not made up these guys do really excist I think, but do not have anything to do with it. Neither is the ghost.«» «» Oooh my god some scener said just a few days ago, he saw the new issue of «c2»Eurochart «c5»and was pleased that he found himself in the «c2»swappers chart, «c5»although he was not high ranked. But still his name was there, bright and shiny so that no one would miss his good work he had done for so many years now, finally it payed back.«» «» Proud as he was he started writing to all his contacts again, because he had like usually a «c2»big delay... «c5»Some people he forgot to write back at all..«» «» After doing this he mailed a few sends and he though he did his duty again, sent along some «c2»not brand new but usefull warez «c5»and slept good for a couple of nights.«» «» When he was sleeping the «c2»ghost of the swappers «c5»came by to wake him up and show him what he had done.«» «» Yeah, the swapper said I guess you'll be proud of me and my work..«» «» But the ghost said, I will show you along the way...«» «» Away they went, up in the sky. Where do we go the swapper said. We go to one of your «c2»scene-friends' «c5»house. After arriving there the swapper looked inside and said hey I know that guy that's «c2»Dvize, «c5»he sent me a picture a long time ago I can remember that.«» «» Very correct the ghost said and what did you promise him. Hmmm, pffff, eeerrrr to send him a photo back the swapper said after a long silence. Correct again the ghost said, but did you do it? Hmmm,pffff,eeerrrr,I guess not the friendly scener said.«» «» Okay we will go to another scener, the ghost said and they flew away. Standing in front of a window again the swapper said, well blimey if that isn't my good old friend «c2»Darkhawk, «c5»that guy didn't write back to me at all when I sent him that parcel with nice warez..«» «» Ahumm said the ghost I think it's the other way around. Oooops said the 100% swapper, he promised he would write him very soon.«» «» Next stop, «c2»Zito. «c5»in front of his house the ghost said do you remember what was in the last letter of this guy the ghost spoke. Yeah the swapper said, he wrote Salut, thanks for the warez and the friendly letter, take care and send back soon.«» «» Was that all he wrote, the ghost said angry. Well, yes I think so the swapper said scary. Nooo it was not, it was a 14k letter and you can't remember a damn word of it, you should be ashamed of yourself the ghost said.«» «» Rude they went away to the next stop. «c2»Powerslave. «c5»the ghost asked how often did this friendly guy call you last year. Haa that's easy the swapper said about 4 or 5 times, all the way from England, that guy is really nice.«» «» Well the ghost continued, how many times did you call him. Eeeehm can we fly on now, the swapper said with vibration in his voice.«» «» Away they went again, landing in the yard of good old «c2»Punisher «c5»the swapper said, this guy is cool. Yeah the ghost said, he is that cool that he sends you 4 disks filled with the newest warez. Yeah the swapper said happily, he does.«» «» And how many do you send back you friendship swapper the ghost asks. Two he said, is that not good ? The ghost asked the swapper, if you would give someone 400 dollars to take care of and after a while you want it back and he gives you only 200 what would you do?«» «» Well I would kick his lilly ass..«» Right the ghost said. He sure would yours.«» «» Let's go the ghost said I will take you back to you house.«» «» Arrived at the swappers house, the ghost said what did you learn from this trip we made? Well the swapper said it's not fair, I gotta girlfriend and a dog and my own house, what would you expect?«» «» Right the ghost said, what I would expect is that someone like that could «c2»never be in the swappers chart.«» «» «c5»After these wise words he vanished and he was gone.«» «» Later that night the swapper thought it all over and promissed to himself to change, more honest and faster and friendlier.«» «» But as he thought and thought something crossed his mind.«» «» "What «c2»happened to the scene «c5»since I am in the swappers chart?".«» «» «» «» «e»